Sunday, November 8, 2009

Milestone Development of Ethan and Evan

Weight (Ethan; Evan)
Week 1: 1700g; 1400g (at birth)
Week 3: 1789g; 1422g
Week 5: 2103g; 1722g
Week 6: 2600g; 2000g
Week 8: 3200g; 2455g
Week 9: 3600g; --
Week 11: -- ; 3200g
Week 12: 4700g; 3440g
Week 16: -- ; 4600g
Week 18: 6900g; 5200g
Week 21: 7700g; 5700g
Week 26: 8600g; --
7th month:9kg; 7kg
7th month 3weeks: 9.2kg; 7.3kg
9month 3weeks: 9.4kg;8kg
11month: 9.7kg; 8.5kg
13month: 10.1kg;9.6kg
16month: 11kg;9.6kg
Length (Ethan; Evan)
Week 1: 41cm; 38cm (at birth)
Week 12: 53cm; 51cm
Week 21: 61cm; 58cm
7th month:64cm; 63cm
7th month 3weeks: 68cm; 64cm
10mth: 71cm; 69cm
12mth: 75cm; 73cm
13mth: 78cm; 76.5cm
16mth: 78cm; 76.5cm

Other development
Week 6: Babies able to lift their heads off tummy.
Week 10: Babies able to pull and grab at random mummy and daddy's shirt.'
Week 12: Ethan smiles at Ah Ma
Week 13: Evan smiles at mummy
Week 14: Ethan could recognize love and aeroplane flashcards.
Week 14: Ethan and Evan could blabber
Week 17: Bbs salivate
Week 18: Evan smiles more, Ethan and Evan able to clasp and touch both hands, Ethan can grab activity gym ring, Ethan flips while sleeping sideways(30th Dec 09)
Week 20: Grab and bite things e.g teether, pull own shirt, pull own milk bottle, kick and struggle when milk, put fist into mouth;both recognzes mummy
Week 22: Sit in high chair and walker
Week 24: Evan half flip; Ethan experiments shouting and screaming
Week 25: Evan experiments shouting and screaming
Week 26: Evan can steady himself by standing with support; Ethan is not able to steady himself and rocks like a sampan in choppy water.
Week 26: Evan can reach his toes with hands when lying down; Ethan can reach his knees with hands when lying down.
Week 26: Evan flips at 530am on 21st Feb
Week 26: First cereal attempt.Abt 3 teaspoons each.
Week 26 (23Feb): Evan watches his first lion dance at Old Airport Rd market happily.
Week 27: Ethan finishes his cereal and opened his mouth and said "arhm" and wanted more.
Week 28: Evan could eat his cereal.
Week 28: Both start to have teething discomfort. Could see part of Ethan's lower 2 teeth about to sprout.
Week 29: Ethan flipped on his own on bed.
Week 29 (7mths): Mummy stops breastfeeding bbs (15th Mar)
7mths+: Both can sit unassisted.
7mths+: Evan can move forward and hold onto the bar to view scenery around him when placed in stroller
7mths+: Ethan can pass something from one hand to another
7mths+: Evan can pick at toy door knob and open and close door.
9mths: Learns to clap hands
9mths: Ethan upper tooth grows
9mths: Ethan crawls backwards
9mths: Ethan learns how to walk quite well with support; Evan jumps while walking.
9mths: Ethan and Evan cry whenever Mummy leaves them and want to be carried only by Mummy.
9mths: Both start to eat bb biscuits
9mths: Wen looks for cause and effect e.g. drops things and checks out what happens next
10mths: Started enfapro in stages
10mths: Evan's upper left tooth grows
10mths: Blabbers more; Ethan calls 'wei' for attention
10mths: Wu's 2nd upper tooth grows, he has 4 teeth now./Wen has 3 teeth.
10mths: Wu sits on potty to poo and pee
11mths: Wen has 6teeth (2 top and 4 bottom) / Wu has 4 teeth
11mths: Wen knows how to crawl, wave bye bye, imitate sound of flying aeroplane flying. Wu knows how to wave bye bye.
11mths: Both can stand for 5sec
12mths: Wu knows action of removing clothes to bathe, aeroplane, wave byebye, pankiss. Wen knows flower, elephant, penguin, lights, appletree, radio, fan
14mths:both can walk with hands-free, knows to dance, simple instructions like "put back", "Give mama/papa", "take", "sit", "slowly", "Put on your head" etc.
Wen has 2 upper molar teeth sprouting, both can slide and sit swing
15mths: Tries crayon, doodle boards, aqua doodle, stack cubes, hold milk bottles, says jie jie
16mths: Wen points at pictures stars, telephone, bicycle on wall charts/ Wu does hand actions for 5finger song
16mths: Wen's 2nd set of upper molar, he has 13 teeth now.. Wu has 8 front teeth only.
16mths: More vocab learnt by pointing: rainbow, ball, brush teeth, bathe, bread, slide, comb hair (Wen). Both know hand action for gong xi and say wow, uh oh, recognize dog and say bow wows.
Wen can sort shapes (circle, star, square and triangle).
Wen knows to give me things and signal me to do for him.
Wu and Wen do hand actions for songs e.g Kookaburra, I am a little teapot.

Milk intake (Ethan; Evan)
1month: 50ml
2months: 90ml; 85ml
3months: 120ml; 100ml
4months: 130ml; 120ml
5months: 140ml
6months: 140ml; 150ml
7months: 150ml; 160ml
11months: 150ml; 160ml
13months: 160ml;170ml
14months: 210ml
16months: 220ml
Food taken to date:
Sweet corn
Plain water
Ngoh fish
Bb biscuit
Egg yolk
Egg white
Chee Cheong Fun
carrot cake
Alfabeta pasta
butternut pumpkin
red pepper
french bean

Third month (15/10-11/11)

Our family portrait 2

Guess who is Ethan and Evan? Prize: Breast milk
Ans: Left (Ethan)

Babies' first bath books

Babies' first nursery rhymes book

Babies' first books

Ethan with bb gym

Evan's first toy - rattle

Ethan's first toy - rattle

Flashcards for the little genius in their cots

Kor kor Ethan (right) and Didi Evan staring daggers at each other

Didi giving a flying box to Korkor

Didi and Korkor meet again

Pretty mum and little Evan

Pretty mum (again) and Evan

Thanks to Auntie Grace, we got our CNY clothes

Evan tip-toeing

Evan's tummy time or Daddy's tummy time?

Bird nest boiled with love again...This "love" shld continue for many years to reward me for my hard work.Wink

Evan and activity baby gym-obviously he must be wondering why evil daddy put him there judging from his facial expression

Evan airing his ass and hole.

Evan and pacifier

Ethan showing his power fist and legs when milking

Ethan with his crumpled ear after sleeping for too long.

Evan getting dressed after bath

Evan showing his birdie mouth as usual

Ethan's rabbit socks

Ethan sleeping in rocker with rabbit socks

Ethan aiming to be a gymnast when he grows up

Evan aiming to be a hip hop dancer when he grows up
Evan showing middle finger. You think i small good to bully ah?

Evan sleeping snugly in Daddy's arms...err arm

Evan in rocker

Evan with hands wide open

Evan looking contented after milk milk

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers