Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wen & Wu's 1st concert - Babies Proms @ Esplanade (18Nov10)

SSO tickets for BBs Prom - booked 2 mths in advance.

Family photo at Esplanade - no strollers allowed into concert hall...

Balloon sculpture of the conductor - Peter

Orchestra players dressed in different coloured tees to differentiate the instrument groups

Family photo at our seats FF42 and FF43

Wen and dad

Do they look the same age? No right? The left has so many wrinkles, the right has smooth face

Papa trying to manage 2 toddlers who are a handful and armful..wahahaha..say please and i will help you.

After the concert - relieved to have made it. We will b back!

SSO and Uncle Peter (conductor) take babies and toddlers on a thrilling musical adventure where they will explore and discover the fun and fantastic world of classical music. The one and only concert in Singapore tailored for little ones!!
Date/Time: 18Nov 10 @ 1030am
Venue: Esplanade Concert hall

We reached Esplanade at 10am and were ready to enter the concert hall. I was feeling nervous as this is the boys' first experience and I worry how they will react to the yellow lights, noise and echo of music in the theatre. We went in at 1015am and were seated somewhere in the middle of the row - meaning difficult to walk in and out should our boys make a nuisance of themselves. Nevertheless, I was armed - with biscuits, toys, and a lot of courage and thick-skin.

The musical starts promptly at 1030am and the boys were pretty engaged for the first 30min - clapping hands, dancing (esp for Wu) and looking around, enjoying the music. I must admit they seem to be amused by the music, rhythm and environment. Even the toddler boy boy next to them, had to leave coz he can't really sit through. Wu seems to enjoy more than Wen as he has a pretty good sense of rhythm - dancing when the music comes on...

30 min on, they started to fidget and worm their bodies about. We had to change strategy - let them sit on the floor to play with my Kate Spade bag, stand on my lap and pull the kindergarten' s boy's hair and eat biscuit...We also took a few photographs though photography and food are not allowed. Concert ended at 1120am, just when the boys were irritable... Overall, great engaging concert - We will be back next year but with more experience (must get balloons) and skills. I am proud to have made it - 2 adults and 2 babies, 1 big bag and no strollers...Yay!!!