Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Our first Playgroup @ Julia Gabriels - Apr 11

Our artwork - obviously done by papa and mama..but the one on the right that is horribly done is by mama....

Our necklace in marcoroni and straws

Our jumping frogs forming prints on the water lily.

Free play with LEGO

Driver and co-driver

Din get to swim but at least get the chance to pose in aqua diapers and showing brotherly love.

Wen self-feeding

Wu self-feeding

Cornflakes, watermelon, sausage.

You like my new car?

How about my flashy red car?

Carrot printing

Training our fine motor skills - Squeezing orange and not forgetting eating them.

Water play

They say the more (water) the merrier?

Sand play

Time to zoom home

Our first green project - Towgay Feb 11

First step: Impt to choose quality beans.

Second step: watering with our love

3rd step: making sure everything is in order

Towgay sprouting leaves

Towgay sprouting flowers

Continuing to give TLC to our plants

Next, listening to lecture on caring for our environment.

Towgay bearing fruits - pod some 2 months later.

Boys @ Kids Kampong 3rd Apr 2011

Mama and papa fishing with us - but it's so difficult to catch with that small net...wat the fish!

Ok, let's feed the fishes instead.

Or rather, let the fishes feed our fingers

I think Wu wants to join the fishes

Enough of the fishes..how about some rabbits?

And ducks?

We are actually quite well-behaved - on the surface only.

Taking group pic with Aunty Joyce and 2 more well-behaved boys like us.