Sunday, August 9, 2009

Trimester 1 (Week 1-12)

Congrats! You are pregnant! That was week 5 when I found out I was pregnant. We were ecstatic! More happiness followed at week 11 when Prof told us he thought he saw 2 heartbeats on the u/s..."Or is it the same bb?" he wondered and mumbled to himself as he moved the scan over my stiffened tummy, anxious to know more about his 'discovery'. He finally confirmed that it was going to be twins and asked Dorothy (nurse) to submit the record to some statistics department ..."2 at 1 shot. Good deal," we tot....

My first trimester was a roller coaster ride...

Week 6: I had darn constipation, had to endure a week of hardened stool that simply refused to come out. Tried all methods recommended by doc, nurse, frens e.g. eat prunes, fruits, drink water....just short of using fingers to dig it out..could feel it so close the exit yet so far away..In the end, went to A&E to do enema fleet to pump it out, after sms-ing Prof for permission.

Then I had nauseas too, but lucky not too bad, no hugging by the toilet bowl type of nauseas.. Just the usual no appetite especially at night. Will tell mum to cook this and that for dinner, but in the end, just simply no appetite when dinner comes... Favourite food : spicy food...My weight dropped from 54kg to 52kg.

Week 10: For reasons unknown still, I had massive bleeding with clots in office one day. It was a real drama!! I was laughing with my colleagues when I suddenly felt something drop out from down under..I quickly went to toilet to take a look, fearing the worst. By then, I was already dripping blood like how a vampire would from his teeth... I was frantically washing the toilet floor and thinking die!! I din bring hp or lucky my colleague saw my stained seat and came to ask if i was ok...and she saved me by bringing along my barang barang for me to make my quickest escape to my gynae. Prof did a scan and lucky found that both bbs were fine and what I needed was bedrest...and so I did.

What a trying trimester !!!!

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