Sunday, August 9, 2009

Trimester 2 (Week 13-27)

Generally, my Trimester 2 was a breeze - I was more energetic and alive.

Week 12-13: Down syndrome test result: (Trisomy 21 1:6470; Trisonmy 18: 1:5380; Trisomy 13: 1:22262) Results cleared. At the same time, the detailed scan revealed that i was expecting a Monochorionic Diamniotic Twins (aka identical twins, nonono, nothing to do with diamonds. For more info, read this:

Week 16: Started to hunt for maternity clothes from Paragon (Swell, 9mois), Bugis (Mothers En Vogue), Adelphi (La Blooming Chic) with my dear hubby. His role so far has been that of the chauffeur cum porter cum chance-to-use-credit card-to-earn-points payer...(as if)

Week 18: Felt some flutters at my tummy, think its what they call bbs kicking?? I am expecting 2 boy boys!! (Prof Ng and Prof Biswas were already suspecting that they are boys but din want to speculate further)No wonder they are so active inside...

Week 20: Had darn constipation again! I obviously din learn my lesson to eat more fruits... This time I went to a GP first and saw a weird 'replacement' doctor coz the usual doctor went for overseas conference. This retired doctor (i think) pressed my tummy and said she must feel if the head is pressing on my rectum.. Out of innocence, I asked "what head?" She replied curtly, "Bb's head lah, then your head ah?" I dunno if I should laugh or be insulted. I sms-ed my gynae that night about the prescription but he said medicine given is too strong and may cause uterine contraction. I should just continue his dosage of forlax (which I have been taking for 1 week lor)..But still nothing happens (remember? So near yet so far?) Decided to go A&E (again) to pump out the s*** with enema fleet..SHIOK!!! and I shall save you the agony of reading the details. I promised to eat 2 servings of fruits and veggies from now on. With that, I hope i dun have to re-tell any more constipation stories.

Week 21: We discovered that our twinnies are having TTTS (Twin Twin Transfusion Syndrome) where one recipient twin is getting more nutrients from the other donor twin and therefore, growing faster. (For more details, read: This is to be our main worry for weeks to come. Both gleneagles and NUH docs say the worst scenario would be both bbs cant make it.. coz if the donor bb gives all that it has, there is a possibility that it may die. V soon, the recipient bb will receive all the poisonous stuff from the dead foetus and eventually,it may come to harm too..The prognosis was not good...sad:( Having twins is not as easy a journey as what many perceived to be afterall, as in 2-in-1 deal etc...

Tummy buldge observed at week 22, in fact, few people would know i am pregnant by looking at my face and other parts of my body..coz nothing seems to have changed. My weight at week 25 stands at 59.4kg and bbs weight 824g and 671g respectively.

At week 18 (err, you know where is the front and back hor?)

At week 24 and 6 days

Bb decides to show you the Flying kick with his footsie..So cute!

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