Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My hours of labour - 19Aug 09

330am: Woke up feeling some contraction. Thinking it's my bbs pushing and creating a tsunami again, I went back to sleep. But the pain came in waves, every 15 min.
4am: Woke up hubby coz no way he is going to enjoy his sleep when poor wifey is suffering. So decided we shld suffer together. His comment - as calm as cemetry: observe further....
4.30am: Told him the contraction seems to be radiating from my lower waist and quite different from the usual tsunami.. feels more like menstrual pain. Decided to disturb another person - my gynae Prof Ng, Gleneagles. He picked up his phone and in his husky, sleepy voice, said to put on the patch to reduce contraction. If all else fails, admit to NUH (cheaper mah, coz premature).
5am: Got ready to bathe and wash hair, just in case. But did not get down to washing hair...only bathed when I bled liao...Panicked...Hubby told me to calm down...but he rushed me to NUH in RX8 beating several red lights...tot we shld remain calm?
610am: Reached labour ward, NUH. Hooked up to drip and monitors and VE was terrible and painful, young punky doc told me i was 3cm dilated.
7am: Steroid injection given to thigh to mature bbs' lungs and another dose to be given 12hours later to complete the protocol. Salbutamol given to reduce contraction, but my bp dropped to 60, felt giddy. So, i was given a milder dose of painkiller which obviously did not work.
8am-7pm: To cut the story short, i had 15min contraction pain. Nurse kept telling me to breathe in thru the nose and breathe out thru the mouth... what the heck, as if i dunno...then i was given some gas to ease my pain, no use coz i breathe halfway, I lost control coz i felt sleepy. I was given 2nd dose of steroid at 645pm but for it to be real effective for bbs, I got to endure till 12 hours later to deliver...but i cant tahan anymore.....
8pm: Contraction interval is now 10min...then bleeding...gynae decided to go ahead with op...Team got me prepared...
9pm: Went for epi, hubby cant come in coz emerg op..the partition board was real high, i wasn't wearing spects coz i was anticipating hubby to come in with my spects after wearing his surgical gown but things were not meant to be...After testing different parts of my body with ice pack (to ensure I am duly numbed), (another) young punk told gynae "we are ready to go"....Few min later, gynae told me the first bb was out, think he held up high for me to see, but the board was even higher...cant see a thing..let alone 2nd bb..but i heard both their cries which was more than reassuring for me... Shed some tears but controlled them coz scared my tummy will vibrate and shake when gynae was stitching me....and will give me ugly stitches...
10pm: Ordeal over. Shivering at recovery room. Nurse said its normal coz of epi..(she said it at least 5 times whenever i told her i am not ok) Hubby finally floated out of nowhere to the recovery room.
11pm: Settled down in general ward and hubby made his trip home after a gruelling 17hrs....bbs delivered prematurely at week 32 and 3 days but doing fine in NICU and expected to be discharged only after 4-6 weeks...

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